Thursday 8 March 2012


tadi kononnye nak tido lah but tak boleh nak tidur. mate just won't terlelap. so, end up doing this. macam biase lah. haha. owh... went to Sabah again this year. hehe. nope, not to Sandakan and KK again but to Tawau. 

Tawau is a very quite town. orang kata the islands semua lawa kat situ. malangnye, i didn't get the chance to go to any island. it was only a short trip. i was there strictly for work. i don't really know anybody in Tawau. if i do know anybody there, confirm lah akan ajak ke pulau Sipadan or Mabul. oh. nope, i don't have diving license but it will be a great place to clear my mind. kalau ade org yang sanggup teman pun cukup. ermmmmm.. i want a travellling partner. 

so, tujuan pergi sane was to give a talk on the projek. mule-mule diberitahu bende ni macam briefing untuk lebih kurang 30 orang je. small group lah, orang yang ada kaitan. bile dah sampai sane, gelak-gelak on the way pergi makan, the lecturer yang kutip kat airport kate, 'there is a slight change in plan. the presentation will be held as an official thing. so, most of the students will be there, around 500 students'. mau tak rase macam nak kena heart attack? nasib selamat kembali. that was a huge shift in plan, bukan slight change lagi. ape lagi, mula lah fikir macam-macam. nak pengsan pun ada. masa makan pun diam je lah and makan sampai licin kut masi sepinggan. balik bilik after makan, terus tidur! tidur kejap je sebenarnya then, i was having nightmares. memang bangun lah. tempat baru kut.

esok pagi, bangun baru nak betulkan slide and bace slide. surprisingly, i didn't feel all stressed up and didn't panic at all. maybe pasal the thoughts in my head was somewhere else during my trip. pukul 11 am program start and ended around 2 pm. then, konon nak pergi jalan and bergambar sakan. however, it was raining dari sampai Tawau sampai last day kat Tawau. tak dapat lah. cume dapat pergi pasar. beli ikan masin and udang. ehe! (ade beli, jgn ingat takde). banyak betul bende at the pasar. jangan pandang rendah. huu..

last day (Rabu), flight pagi pukul 10.30 am. memang tak ke mane lah. bangun, breakfast and terus pergi airport. the shopping continues at the airport. ade lah terbeli keychain (macam biasa) and t-shirt (macam biasa gak). haha!! oh.... lupe nak mention one more thing, pergi Tawau lupe bawak towel! bilik tu takde towel. so mlm 1st tu lap dengan baju je. 2nd day baru beli towel. sdey kan... huuu...

p.s: i will upload some pictures (yang ada) nanti.. :)
p.s.s: i kinda miss KK.

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