Monday 22 August 2016

pantang to day 20 be like

okay, pantang kali ni macam ribut. tak menang tangan sangat. duduk hospital dah 5 hari. baby kena jaundice. masa duduk hospital tak berapa nak pantang. makanan hospital kisah pulak kita ni dalam pantang ke tak. ada sekali dia bagi ikan sambal, makan je lah, lapar. haha. nasib takde apa jadi. kite tak boleh lah nak expect hospital nak ikut cara kita pantang tapi maternity ward kut, bagi ikan sambal and ada sekali bubur kacang hijau. huuu. so, bila mil datang, memang syukur lah. dapat makan makanan home cooked and sedap.

so, lepas keluar hospital, mula lah pindah-pindah. first of all, pindah to puncak jalil. rumah sil. mil ada for one day after keluar hospital. keluar hospital saturday, sunday mil dah balik Kelantan. lepas tu tetap stay sana for one week, husby jaga. part makan tak boleh nak complain lebih lah, orang dah masak untuk kita. telan je. haha. minggu ni lah berurut. sedap gila urut. people who knows me well tahu how much i hate kena urut. this time sakit pun sakit lah, selesa. first day kena urut, rasa mengantuk sangat. second and third day fresh sikit. best makcik tu urut. memang recommended sangat untuk orang yang duduk area puncak jalil. then, khamis mil datang balik sampai saturday. lega lah husby. part masak tu release sikit. huu.

hari ahad balik subang. ho! ini stressful moment. macam nak pengsan tengok rumah. dengan messy nya, berhabuk lagi. tarik nafas dalam-dalam je lah, nangis gak diam-diam. naik turun tangga mencabar sikit. terasa gak lah. duduk subang sampai selasa. pressure sangat time ni. bayang kan, toilet ada kat bawah pun tak boleh nak guna. tak ke stress!

then, rabu pergi rumah uncle Halim. husby shift pagi. tak mampu lah nak uruskan semua sendiri kat rumah. so, ulang alik pagi malam hari rabu and khamis. hari jumaat tu, decided to stay. penat oh badan ulang alik dengan baby lagi, travel time lagi, kena naik tangga lagi lepas balik. so, bila stay jumaat and sabtu malam tu, badan memang dapat rest betul. tak ada gangguan tidur (i.e zahraa jumping around on the bed, shouting, snoring), nothing, memang rest sgt. heee. bila zahraa datang pagi, afternoon the kids are back layan dia. a had a bit of me time. makan bibik masak tapi sayang nya tak sempat nak masak the so sedap soup ikan merah. i had my first bread since pantang on Sunday for breakfast. sedap ya ampun. haha. melampau but untuk orang yang suka roti, memang nikmat.

ahad malam tu balik subang, bermula lah journey pantang sendiri di rumah sendiri. kali ni balik with a prepared mind. so, i was stronger mentally. tengok rumah sepah pun tutup je lah sebelah mata. nak buat tak boleh, kang lain cerita. banyak sabar je. so far we can manage. lepas kerja shift pagi hari tu, husby kerja shift malam, boleh lah lagi nak cope. ni esok dia dah kerja petang. tak tau lah macam mana nak uruskan 2 kids at bedtime hour, peak hour ni. good luck to me! insya Allah

Tuesday 2 August 2016

second born child

alhamdulillah semua selamat. hari ni baby dah 8 hari dah. baby was overdue for a week. my belly was huge. haha. contractions started the day before, it was really painful but I decided to wait before going to the hospital. so, malam tu pergi makan tosai masala, teh o ais and beli ice cream McDonald's yang baru tu. sambil makan sambil than sakit. then around pukul 1 pagi, contractions stop. terus lena tido. terkejut makan ice cream mungkin. hee. lepas tu, pukul 4 start balik sakit. pagi tu memang dah ada appointment dengan PPUM, so, hantar zahraa pergi rumah mama and off we went. sampai sana, the process begins.

last photo as a family of 3

since I was overdue, they scheduled me to be induced. since I had a previous scar and the contractions are there, they decided to put me on oxytocin drip. gila sakit. they offered epidural, which they do to mothers with previous scar and had problems with their pregnancy. although with epidural, i can still feel the contractions, but it was manageable. dari pagi pukul 8.45am when the process started, they gave me a time frame of 8 hours maximum to get things done. by 8 hours, the Dr checked and my progress was good, the baby is going down so they gave me 4 more hours. Dr pun call husby bagitau to get ready. we didn't know PPUM allowed husband to come in so, it was a surprise for us.

memang Allah je yang boleh tolong situation macam tu. masa azan maghrib, sakit dah lain macam. epidural dosage habis, Dr bius datang, bagi ikut tiub and panggil gynae datang check, rupanya dah buka habis. Dr pun kelam kabut get things ready and call husby. I was already pushing with two housemans when husby arrived. the best thing there was the people involved was very supportive. after some 20 minutes of pushing, the medical officers took over. 10 minutes later the baby was out! it was so warm when they put it on my chest, my first experience. 5 minutes later, I felt dizzy, the doctors asked husby to get out, I was bleeding. I was blacked out but they kept on shaking me to wake me up, drugs and what not was inserted, Dr said it was critical as I lost 1 litre of blood and my pressure was 50/20. alhamdulillah we manage to get through it and here we are today.

meet my second born child -