Monday 1 October 2012


orang cakap, kalau dengar yang tak elok, cakap nauzubillah. jumaat malam lepas pergi clinic, ada bad news from the dr. i have yet to jumpa specialist lagi but please pray that its not true, dr yang pergi check tu terbuat mistake and everything is going to be okay. insyaAllah semua okay. dr gave one week pastu check balik. then, on saturday, mummy went into emergency state. mummy can't breathe. i was unable to go, was finding excuses not to go actually. takut sangat. so, went to the hospital yesterday. she was gasping for air. maksudnya, masa saturday tu lagi teruk. not to sure what's going on. my heart dropped. so, my weekend was heartwrenching. hope yours was great. um.

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