Friday 27 December 2013

7 bulan

pejam celik, pejam celik, esok dah 7 bulan dah budak kecik ni. kejap sangat masa. macam tiba-tiba dah 7 bulan. huwaa. lagi 5 bulan je lagi nak jadi satu tahun. both gambar ni was taken 2 weeks back macam tu. hee! she is slowly turning to look like me (i think). semua orang kata she look like hamie but, my family (mereka yang raised me up and kinda grew up with me say she look exactly like me when i was small). she now takes up most space of my heart (macam mana nak bahagi heart mummy when you ada adik nanti eh zahraa? hee!)

owh. she finally start on solid food one month back. her first food was avocado, which she made funny faces when we fed her (technically, her first food was green apple at around 2 months old - dia diarrhea at that time, so the cure was green apple - it worked). the next thing on her hate list is broccoli. haha! ini kerja the mummy nak suruh anak makan sayur so that dah besar nanti tak memilih makan macam mummy dia. 

si gadis ayu 

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